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Keeping Your New Car Warranty Intact

A new car warranty can provide you with all the support you need in case something unexpected goes wrong with your new car, however you will only be covered if you haven?t in some way contributed to the problem yourself, in which case your warranty will be considered void. The following is a look at some of the things you need to do to ensure your new car warranty remains intact, and that it is there to protect you should you ever need it.

Use Quality Parts and Oils

If you need to have any repairs done on your new car, in order to maintain your warranty it is usually required that you use only qulaity, because otherwise all bets are off as far as the dealership and your warranty is concerned. This is because your car was built to work with certain types of parts, and by using anything else can increase the chances of something going wrong. For the sake of your car and your warranty, only use quality parts designed to suit your vehicle – Lube Mobile only use quality parts.

Get qualified servicing

Even though the dealership may suggest places for you to get your new car servicing done, you can take it anywhere you like – providing of course that the person doing the repairs is qualified to do the work. Many dealerships will try to strongly encourage you to get your servicing done through them, but you are certainly not obliged to do so, and as long as you continue to use qualified mechanics, your warranty will be considered intact.

Don?t abuse your car

If you are using your new car for motor racing or are driving that new 4WD in rivers far deeper than it was designed to withstand, any damage that results will be deemed to be your fault. This could lead to your warranty being nullified, so be smart and don?t abuse your car if you want your warranty to cover you. That doesn?t mean you have to drive 20 kilometres below the speed limit all the time, but if you want to keep that new car warranty intact, make sure you drive responsibly.

Use the right fuel

Your new car will have been designed to work with a certain type of fuel, so to maintain the warranty on it you are going to need to provide not just the right type of petrol, but also the highest quality available. Otherwise, you may be undermining your warranty protection.

Stamp the Log Book

We will stamp the log book with date, kms etc as a record of service.

Log Book Service Invoice

You must ensure that the invoice for your log book service states which service was carried out. It also must contain the data and kilometres travelled. Lube Mobile invoices conform to this.

Read it

Every new car warranty is different, so to ensure you keep yours intact, make a point of knowing all the details in relation to keeping up your end of the warranty.

Considering that your new car will most likely have been quite a sizeable investment, it is wise to ensure you are providing enough support for it by keeping that warranty intact; otherwise, you risk being faced with some large and unexpected repair bills.


  1. Callum Palmer says:

    With my car, I think that the warranty will last a long time. As you said here, it would be best to get proper servicing done. That way, I can make sure that the car will last a long time.

    October 3rd, 2019 at 10:19 am

  2. Local Mechanics says:

    You can find your Local Service Centre or Mobile Mechanic by simply searching your region/state and you can drive away with peace of mind.

    October 19th, 2019 at 6:51 pm

  3. Local Mechanics says:

    It includes servicing of the vehicle to the installation of your vehicle accessories. We will go for all types of vehicles ranging from Alfa Romeos to Volvos.

    November 20th, 2019 at 3:12 pm