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5 Ways To Get The Best Out Of Your Car

We rely on our cars a lot, from getting us to work each day to taking us on those great road trips, though if you want your car to be around for a while, you have to show it some love. You car is kind of like your body and needs to be taken care of in order to prevent serious problems arising. Most things you can do for your car are simple and inexpensive, so be smart and look after your car, this will avoid you having to deal with a huge repair bill later on. The following tips are a great way to start looking after your precious vehicle.

Get It Serviced Regularly

You car doesn?t run on good vibes or magic, it is a mechanical structure which though impressive, can only keep functioning if it is maintained properly. At least once every six months or every ten thousand kilometres you should get a mechanic to do a thorough service of your car. Car service in Sydney and car service in Melbourne have great mechanics that won?t cost you an arm and a leg, so be good to your car and take it in for a service regularly.

Think About Your Petrol

What you put in your car?s petrol tank and when you do it makes quite a big difference to the running of your car. If you can afford it, you should always opt for the higher quality petrol when filling up. The lower level petrol will still work but nowhere near as well as the top quality option, so spend that little bit extra on your car and notice the difference. It is also important to not wait until your car is on empty before getting petrol as any crud in the bottom of your petrol tank will be getting dredged up and into your car?s engine. So if you can, don?t let your car?s petrol gauge slip below half and your car will thank you for it.

Hit The Highway

A lot of people use their car primarily for getting around the city and hardly ever go above 80km/hr. While this may seem like it?d be better for your car it actually isn?t. All the stopping and starting of short trips in the city is hard on the wear and tear of your car and doesn?t give it the opportunity to run at full capacity. The old saying of ?use it or lose it? really does apply to cars as well, so take it out on the highway once in a while and give it a chance to really run. Obviously don?t speed, but just the act of taking it on the highway for a hundred kilometres or two every couple months will actually increase the functioning and life span of your car.

Making sure your car is healthy and happy is as simple as just being conscious of what it needs. Being sure there is enough oil, water and petrol in your car is a really good start as a lot of people don?t even do this. Learn a little about your car, think about what will help or hurt it, and be smart; you probably invested a bit of money into buying it so you may as well make it last.