Our clients have experienced the highest quality service and repair work on their vehicles. Find out what the all the fuss is about and choose from one of the 15 mobile mechanics in Lubemobile has in your area for you next service or repair work and have everything taken care of without having to go anywhere are at all. Join the satisfied customers who have already left us over 0 positive reviews in the Mornington Peninsula region tell us how great your mobile mechanic was.
Our mechanics have typically serviced Holden, Toyota and Ford in and around your area but all mechanics are experienced and prepared for any vehicle. Servicing and repairing all vehicle makes and models on site, recent jobs in and around your local region have been to attend vehicles like Kia , Jeep and Alfa Romeo . Parts required for the job are with the mechanic or sourced quickly from only the highest quality providers. Typical parts carried by the mechanic have included spares like cooling system , harmonic balancer and timing belt .
Epb electric handbrake stuck on
Repair: Power steering
Rear left brake is screeching and car feels like it’s juddering under breaking.
The Lubemobile fleet of mobile mechanical specialists operate in Mount Eliza, Hampton Park and Cheltenham. We operate everywhere that you are. Our fleet are the fully mobile mechanics attending to vehicles all over Australia. We are ready and active and in your local area attending to over 1,645 vehicles in the past year. Book a car service today for the time and place that best suits you and our mechanic will arrive on time with they need to complete everything on site. Common vehicle services in your area include Log book servicing and our mobile mechanics arrive equipped to work on anything from alternator inspection and replacement to fixing noisy bearings , as well as on site specialist tyre and wheel work.
Please click on the links below to find suburbs we service in these areas. If you can’t see your suburb listed, contact us and we’ll locate the nearest Lube Mobile to you!